Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Hi, I had been missing for quite sometime but now I am back. As promised, this post should be valentines' day post. However, it will be hold on till the next post. Sorry to some who are waiting for my V day update and the someone who keep reminding me to update. Please just read through this post instead and stay tune for the next.

 This post will be something different. Who ever read this are invited to play a short quiz with me. The quiz is called "It's My Turn" ( http://itsmyturn.sg/ ), a simple online quiz that analyses your personality to find out "What kind of Singaporean you are?" There are different personalities and you can choose to retake if you think that the resulting personality does not describe you well. 

You may consider it like a NE (national education) quiz that you do during primary or secondary school.
I can imagine some faces to be like this?

Please don't skip it and play this game with me. Come on people, aren't you keen in finding out what type of Singaporean you are

Ok start your quiz now and be spontaneous!!

Ok once you are in, this will be the start up page. Yeah, ever wondered what type of Singaporean you are? Are you the super-on flag-waving type or the (gasp!) wanna-be-famous complain king? Hit on the 'Take the quiz' button to find out yourself!

Of course I already took the quiz. Don't worry peep, its not a 'many' questions or 10-20 minutes quiz. It is a really short quiz with only 10 questions.

A peek on my quiz question. Basically, the 10 questions consist of 4 categories Speak, Eat, Play and Do. 

So let me explain a little on the questions that will be given. They are not the serious and the 'must give correct answer' type of questions. All you have to do is answer light heartedly, honestly and spontaneously. While reading through and doing the questions, some of them might enlighten you little and you will be passing comments like 'true true, please la, yea lo'.

The Speak category: the way you speak, communicate with fellow singaporean, language influence
Eat category: How can you miss out the best food we have, Food for thought
Play category: Cinema, attractions like Uss and Zoo, not forgetting NDP. Come-on this is Singaporean thing!
Do category: making babies, serving NS, all these contribution for our nation.

End of the questions, just hit the submit button for the result simple as that. Am I nice enough to guide you patiently to the quiz?

I answered all the questions honestly and here is my result!

YOU ARE A PATRIOTIC ONLY ON NATIONAL DAY SINGAPOREAN. Hey, the result was so not nice but quite true. If you ask me about Singapore political or financial issues, I will be 'huh, I don't know'. But if you ask me to join you for NDP, 'Yes I want watch the program and the firework but.. , I WANT THE GOODIE BAG MORE!'.
After all, I am still a typical Singaporean. I have got the Singaporean spirit!

After the quiz, don't be stingy. Share it will your friends to find out what kind of Singaporean they are.

You may like to explore a little further on their website cos there are many other interesting stuff too. 

I love the illustration cos it's damn cute and engaging somehow.


This is all our favourite! Singaporean language with correct meaning and pronunciation. This is so Singapore.

Ok people, have fun doing the quiz and you may share your answer with me if you want. :)
And next post on Valentines' day will be up real soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Samantha Juliet, my result same as you. ^^